
Flooding chipmunk holes
Flooding chipmunk holes

Apply herbicides to control tap-rooted plants for 2 consecutive years.Rotate or cover crop with grasses, grains, or other fibrous-rooted plants.Identification | Biology | Damage ID | Management | Handling Overview of Damage Prevention and Control Methods Habitat Modification Woodrat Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Woodchuck Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Vole Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Tree Squirrel Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel Prevention and Control Methods.Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel Handling.Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel Damage Identification.Roof Rat Prevention and Control Methods.Porcupine Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Pocket Gopher Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Nutria Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Norway Rat Damage Prevention and Control Methods.House Mouse Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Deer and White-footed Mouse Damage Prevention and Control.Deer and White-footed Mouse Damage Identification.Cotton Rat Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Chipmunk Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Beaver Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Turtle Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Snake Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Alligator Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Wild Pig Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Rabbit Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Opossum Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Mole Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Hare Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Elk Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Deer Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Bat Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Armadillo Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Wolf Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Weasel Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Skunk Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Raccoon Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Otter Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Mink Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Fox Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Coyote Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Bobcat Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Black Bear Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Badger Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Woodpecker Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Vulture Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Turkey Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Pigeon Damage Control and Prevention Methods.Heron Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Gull Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Crow Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Cormorant Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Canada Goose Damage Prevention and Control Methods.Pelican Damage Prevention and Control Methods.

flooding chipmunk holes

After the wet vermin skitter over your fence and evacuate into other, drier, areas, fill the holes with mothballs, castor oil or pepper spray, or some other type of deterrent to keep them from coming back.

flooding chipmunk holes

Water – Place a hose in a hole, and flood the gopher or ground squirrel’s home. Mothballs – Crushed mothballs or mothball gravel placed in the entry holes will keep the vermin from using that hole. Their sensitive noses don’t like the wafting smell of detergent and will move along. Dryer sheets – Attach unused dryer sheets to areas around the entrance to vermin holes to make the area reek of the scent of detergent. Fish – Another smelly alternative is to gather leftover fish scraps and bones to place around the yard to keep gophers and ground squirrels at bay. Block the entrance, so the gopher will have to confront the issue and, hopefully, will turn away. Place mounds of your cat or dog’s waste at the entryway of a gopher’s home.

flooding chipmunk holes

Animal waste – This may also seem counter-productive, but gophers dislike other animals’ waste.

Flooding chipmunk holes